
Online registrations for the 2024-25 season are now closed.

If you wish to register your child with Battle River Minor Hockey, please email BRMHA's Registrar ( for assistance.



If a player is Trying Out for AA, AAA or any other team, you are still required to register the player with BRK. Players who make a higher-level team will be transferred once tryouts are complete.

Please email to let BRK’s Registrar know where the player will be trying out.


Fees* for the 2024-25 season are:

U7 - Initiation - $350.00

U9 - Novice - $500.00

U11 - Atom - $625.00

U13 - Pee Wee - $700.00

U15 - Bantam - $825.00

U18 - Midget - $825.00

* A late registration fee of $50 will be added if not registered by July 31, 2024. This $50 fee does not apply to players from other associations waiting for release.

There is a 15% discount for families of 3 or more players.


How to pay:

Payment can be made in full or by periodic installments.

Total registration fees must be paid no later than November 1, 2024.

BRK's Treasurer will be collecting all dues.

  • Cheques should be made payable to Battle River Minor Hockey Association and mailed to: PO Box 483, Sedgewick AB T0B 4C0 
  • E-transfers should be sent to: Please remember to put your child’s name(s) in the Memo of your e-transfer.

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